Fiesta Time In Chila
The big event in Puerto in February is actually a few kilometers up the coast in the town of Los Bajos de Chila. Every year this farming and ranch town goes all out for the first two weeks of the month to honor its patron saint, San Isidro el Labrador (Saint Isidore the farmer). It doesn’t matter that the canonical feast day is May 15, in Chila it is celebrated on February 15. The highlight of the festivities are the castillos — elaborate fireworks mounted on wood scaffolds — which are discharged next to the church yard on February 14, which is also the day of love and friendship in Mexico.
The calenda and convite take place on Februrary 13. In the afternoon the two queens of the fiesta and a band lead a procession of men and women dressed in traditional garb through the streets throwing candy from baskets. This is the calenda. The convite, a communal meal followed by a dance, begins when the procession reaches the church yard.
High-stakes cockfights are another popular feature of the celebrations. They usually are held between February 14 and 16 at the Aragón brothers cockpit. They start late in the evening and can go on all night. Breeders and trainers bring their best fighting cocks from all over the coast and beyond.
There will also be jaripeo rodeos, horse races, and various sports events, including the traditional pelota Mixteca. Check with Gina at the information booth on the Adoquín for dates and times.