Godo and his assistant instructor, Obed, teach the 4-year-old Mellett twins in Carrizalillo beach.
Godo and his assistant instructor, Obed, teach the 4-year-old Mellett twins in Carrizalillo beach.

Fun for Kids in Puerto

Photos: Ernesto J. Torres


Surf lessons begin at age four and they are super fun. Godo, AKA Godoit, has a lot of experience teaching children, he also leads the Junior Lifeguard Program. 954 110 6525. We also recommend Julio Soto, 954 127 9442.

Dexter Sussman Ramírez
Dexter Sussman Ramírez


For 19 years, don Galo been raising iguanas (a protected species) for later release in a wildlife reserve. He also takes in rescued animals (like deer and ocelots) that are brought to him by the environmental protection agency (PROFECA).

Darius Sussman Ramírez &
Dexter Sussman Ramírez
Darius Sussman Ramírez & Dexter Sussman Ramírez

The iguanario is in Barra de Navidad, on the left side of the main road, around 1 km from Hwy 200. It’s open 7 days a week. Call 954 128 9263 if the gate is closed.
Fun for Kids in Puerto

Fun for Kids in Puerto


Painting and ceramics classes for children 4 years and up, 4 pm – 6 pm Monday to Friday; 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Saturdays.

On 1a Sur, at the corner of 3ª Pte. one block from the Agencia Municipal.
Lilian Peña (954) 100 3713.

Fun for Kids in Puerto Fun for Kids in Puerto

Adam Saleh, a visitor from
Houston, Texas, checks out the
Adam Saleh, a visitor from Houston, Texas, checks out the toys.


From 6-10 p.m. a great place for inexpensive souvenirs.

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