Welcome to Puerto Escondido! Or welcome back. I hope you were somewhere else in April and May when the heat was unbearable.I look at my blanket and try to remember when it was cold enough at night to need one. And still people keep coming here. Well, the waves have been very high and the surfers are happy.
This issue focuses on beaches and property. Except for the digital nomads, these two things seem to be the main draw now. And then there’s the much talked about highway to Oaxaca. The closer it gets to being finished the longer it seems to take. It’s not open, but it is open. I definitely do not recommend trying it during the rainy season (summer and fall). It may not be raining in Puerto, but it will be raining in the mountains, and some of the detours are really dangerous when wet.
Barbara Joan Schaffer
Editor and Publisher
954 100 3507 cel
Editorial Assistant:
Ernesto J. Torres
Editorial Design:
Jorge L. Mártínez
Ernesto J. Torres
Web Solutions:
Quimera Servicios Digitales