
Barbara Schaffer
Barbara Schaffer

8 Deer Jaguar Claw is a major figure in the history of the Oaxacan Coast; the empire he founded lasted 400 years. I hope you will take the time to read Denise Lechner’s article on him.

The best part of publishing this magazine is that it gives me an excuse to explore the region, talk to the people and report back on what I find. In this issue it’s not only the new highway to Oaxaca but also a road that will connect Santiago Cuixtla to the Coast.

This will be the last issue until November, but as Puerto Escondido grows so does the magazine. The print-run has gone from 3,000 to 4,000. Li Valenzuela has now joined the crew of contributors. Welcome aboard, Li.

Barbara Joan Schaffer
Editor and Publisher
954 582 2993
954 100 3507 cel

Editorial Assistant:
Inti Gopar Águilar

María Jimena Cortina
Li Valenzuela

VP15 Contents