Saint’s Day fiestas are an important part of life in Puerto Escondido. They also spotlight the sharp division between locals and outsiders, whose absence was notable. So in this issue we focus on what you may have missed. May 15 is the day of San Isidro the Laborer or Farmer, the patron saint of the Barra de Colotepec, but there will be many events on the days before. You might check at the Agencia Municipal for more information.
The big news in Puerto this winter was the court decision to protect the 111 hectares of Punta Colorada as an ecological reserve. This was a big setback for governor Salomón Jara Cruz and Javier Cruz Jiménez, the municipal president of San Pedro Mixtepec, both of whom supported tourist development for the zone with the construction of hotels and apartments. We should all be grateful to local activists of Costa Unida, SOS Puerto, and Salvemos Colorada for leading the fight to save the last virgin beach in Puerto Escondido.
Barbara Joan Schaffer
Editor and Publisher
954 100 3507
Editorial Assistant:
Ernesto J. Torres
Editorial Design:
Jorge L. Mártínez
Ernesto J. Torres
Web Solutions:
Quimera Servicios Digitales